Behind The Scenes of Ashleigh Jessica Taylor

Where do I begin?

Hi and welcome to my blog. 

I’ve been thinking about doing a private blog for years because there’s so much I want to tell and show you, but some things you just can’t put on social media. 

I feel like you kind of know me, but not really, so let me quickly introduce myself. 

A quick Introduction

I’m Ashleigh Jessica Taylor, and I’m a creative and entrepreneur. 

My creative crafts are dance and acting, soon to be adding producing to the list.

While my creative hobbies are photography and video editing.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve worked with amazing clients like Hilton Hotels, Estée Lauder, and Salvatore Ferragamo, just to name a few.  

I’ve also helped everyday people to viral creators build their own successful businesses and brands!

Fun facts:

  • I graduated from New York University Tisch School of The Arts (NYU)
  • I lived in Florence, Italy. Yes, I still do speak a bit of Italian.
  • I want to learn American Sign Language. 

Why I created The Community

I created my private community for a couple of reasons:

  1. I want to actually connect with the people that follow and support me on social media, and the majority of the social media platforms do not provide a safe place to do that. 
  2. From what I can tell, a lot of you desire real relationships and connections, but have a hard time making them. This community makes it easy to do so. 
  3. Some of you want guidance on your own career and projects- and I can do that better in a smaller setting. 
  4. I also would like feedback, on my businesses and projects, and I can quickly receive that with my dedicated community.  
  5. I have so many resources to give you and opportunities to provide you with; I know that if you are in this community, you won’t waste them and will be so much closer to living the life you want!
  6. Life can be better when you do it with people! 

Where Do We Go From Here?

The short answer is…anywhere you want to go:)

This is a community like no other. Literally no-one else is doing this!

I am open to customizing this community in a way in which you will get the most out of it. 

So here’s what you can expect, so far:

  • Behind The Scenes Of All My Projects
  • Quick Guidance On Your Career & Projects
  • Free Rewards and Exclusive Benefits
  • Fun Hang Out Sessions
  • Catered Custom Content
  • & Much More!

Honestly, I should have created this community a long time ago, but as they say, “when it’s the right time, you will know it.” 

I am so happy to have you here! I will see you on the inside. 

Ashleigh Jessica Taylor

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